Breezy family > Advice area

Advice area


Frequently asked questions to Breezy Family:

How to hang my personnalised frame up?

There is a cord on the back of your frame which will allow you to hang your frame up on a wall with a nail or a screw. While you’ll be hammering your screw or nail, we advise you to lean the tip of the screw or nail in order that the tip is lower than its head. In this way, the cord of your frame will gently slide along the screw or nail until the wall. The frame won’t come down all by itself.

To attach the frame against a door or a mooving element, we advise you to use a more suitable system.

It is obviously not recommanded to pull on the frame. We advise you to put it out of the kids range.

How to maintain my family portrait?

You don’t anything special to do. You could, if you want, dust your frame with a Feather duster.
You also could GENTLY clean it with a baby-wipe. You should Apply the baby wipe slightly on the frame but don’t rut it.

Can I varnish my Breezy Family frame?

It is not mandatory to do it. Naturally, the framing will get darker over time. But it will depend on the Sunshine of the room the frame is in.

If you would like to varnish, we advise you to use an acrylic varnish made with WATER. You have to Apply the first coat slightly, don’t insist too much or rub the frame.

You could Apply the second coat if necessary, but respect the drying time which is normally indicated on the varnish pot. We advise you to use a paintbrush.

Can I put my family portrait outside?

It is an Inside frame ONLY. If you want to put it outside, it is at your own risk, but please find a dry place and without a high exposure to the sun. We advise you in this case, to protect the frame with a special and suitable varnish.

For any more advice, don’t hesitate to fill out the form opposite!

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